The Company and the Union are committed to enhancing the job security of Ford Motor Company employees. The parties also recognize that such job security can only be realized within a work environment which promotes operational effectiveness, continuous improvement, and competitiveness.
Accordingly, the parties have agreed to this Job Security Program (JSP), and have pledged to work together, consistent with this Program and other provisions of the Collective Bargaining Agreement, to enhance the Company’s competitive position.
The cornerstone of the Program is a set of provisions – including job placement and temporary income security – to assist employees who are impacted by Indefinite Layoff or who are otherwise defined as surplus.
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A National Job Security, Operational Effectiveness, and Sourcing Committee will be established at the Company-International Union level consisting of representatives selected by the Vice President, Labor Affairs, Ford Motor Company and representatives selected by the Vice President and Director of the UAW, National Ford Department.
The National committee will be responsible to the Vice President, Labor Affairs, Ford Motor Company and the Vice President and Director of the UAW, National Ford Department, and will meet periodically as required to:
Monitor the efforts of the Local Committees.
Maintain liaison with the Joint Governing Body – UAW-Ford National Education, Development and Training Center to coordinate (a) assessment and training programs, and (b) funding through Local Training Funds and, (c) if appropriate, the Education, Development and Training Program.
Approve Local Committee efforts to improve operational effectiveness and coordinate these actions when appropriate.
Coordinate, where applicable, the execution of Special Programs described above, as well as the movement of JSP-eligible employees within or between zone areas. For example, where a permanent loss of jobs has occurred or is scheduled for a location, the parties may discuss transfer of employees to other locations; such a transfer could be in advance of the scheduled job loss, if it could be accomplished without adversely affecting quality or operating efficiency.
Act on requests from Local Committees to waive, modify, or change the Collective Bargaining Agreement provisions when such action would result in the preservation of or increase in job opportunities. Approval of such requests will be countersigned by the Vice President and Director of the UAW, National Ford Department, and the Vice President, Labor Affairs, Ford Motor Company, regarding the operation of the Program.
Make periodic reports to the Vice President and Director of the UAW, National Ford Department, and the Vice President, Labor Affairs, Ford Motor Company, regarding the operation of the Program.
The National Committee is specifically empowered to review periodically and evaluate the operation of this Memorandum of Understanding and mutually make satisfactory adjustments to its provisions during the term of this memorandum.
During the 2015 UAW-Ford national negotiations the parties held lengthy discussions regarding the use of temporary employees. The parties agreed that in certain circumstances, it may be necessary to utilize temporary employees to supplement the full-time work force. To that end, the parties recognize the following two categories of temporary employees:
The following PDF is available for your convenience to review all 2015 UAW-Ford Collective Bargaining Agreement provisions regarding Appendix K. Please click the link below:
Appendix K
LOU – Subject Modification to the Administration of Appendix K, III (e) i, ii
The below link is available for your convenience to review lists of temporary employees in order of highest to lowest weeks worked for all locations:
Zone Wide Lists of Temporary Employees: In order of 'Weeks Worked'
The Company and the Union are committed to enhancing the job security of Ford Motor Company employees. The parties also recognize that such job security can only be realized within a work environment which promotes operational effectiveness, continuous improvement, and competitiveness.
Accordingly, the parties have agreed to this Job Security Program (JSP), and have pledged to work together, consistent with this Program and other provisions of the Collective Bargaining Agreement, to enhance the Company’s competitive position.
The cornerstone of the Program is a set of provisions – including job placement and temporary income security – to assist employees who are impacted by Indefinite Layoff or who are otherwise defined as surplus.
The following PDF is available for your convenience to review all 2015 UAW-Ford Collective Bargaining Agreement provisions regarding Appendix M. Please click the link below:
Appendix M
This memorandum explains arrangements under which employees laid off on or after October 22, 1979 as a result of a permanent discontinuance of operations or other reduction in force where the Company and the Union agree there is no reasonable likelihood of recall will be eligible for preferential placement opportunities. Otherwise eligible skilled tradespersons laid off from their trade, but employed by the Company on production work, may apply for preferential placement opportunities in their trade.
The following PDF is available for your convenience to review all 2015 UAW-Ford Collective Bargaining Agreement provisions regarding Appendix N. Please click the link below:
Appendix N
The parties recognize that some employees placed in a plant may have the desire to return to their “home” plant or Basic Unit or, in the case of employees from closed locations, to return to other plants in the same zone as their Basic Unit. The parties recognize also that, in affording such employees the opportunity to return, it is necessary to do so in a manner consistent with the maintenance of quality and efficiency in both the releasing and accepting plants. Accordingly, the purpose of this Agreement is to provide methods and procedures and to detail the circumstance whereby eligible employees will be offered the opportunity to return to their Basic Unit or, in the case of employees from closed locations, to return to other plants in the same zone as their Basic Unit.
The following PDF is available for your convenience to review all 2015 UAW-Ford Collective Bargaining Agreement provisions regarding Appendix O. Please click the link below:
Appendix O
The Preferential Placement Zone Alignment Chart identifies what zone each Ford Motor Company plant and/or facility is assigned to.
The following PDF is available for your convenience to review the Zone Alignment Chart as defined within the 2015 UAW-Ford Collective Bargaining Agreement. Please click the link below:
Zone Alignment Chart
During the 2015 UAW-Ford national negotiations the parties discussed a mutual goal of providing continued employment for our workforce and minimizing the numbers of employees impacted by layoff. The parties further discussed certain circumstances where employees have been faced with a difficult decision of accepting an opportunity to another zone, and the subsequent effect of that transition on their families.
Based on these discussions, and in an effort to address hardship concerns of employees who have a desire to return to their zone of hire, the parties have agreed to allow eligible employees to volunteer to be placed on list that will be used to canvass for future openings that arise during the term of the 2015 UAW-Ford Master Agreement.
The below link is available for your convenience to view information and results lists regarding the Special Opportunity to Return to Zone of Hire, Please click the link below:
Zone Lists of Eligible Employees – 'Special Opportunity to Return to Zone of Hire'