Wait List

To: Apprentice Eligibility List Candidates

From: The National Joint Apprenticeship Committee

The National Joint Apprenticeship Committee (NJAC) congratulates you on your success in completing the Industrial Readiness Certificate Program (IRCP). Many eligibility list candidates expressed concern of their placement and position on their plant specific wait list. As a way for candidates to have access to view their placement on their plant list, the NJAC has published location specific eligibility lists below. To keep the eligibility list confidential, the NJAC has only published Ford seniority dates and trade choices by location. This will be a simple way for eligibility list candidates to identify their exact position on the eligibility lists at their location.

To understand how eligibility lists are administered by the NJAC, contractual language will apply under the UAW-Ford Collective Bargaining Agreement. The following process is simplified to understand the NJAC administration of the contractual language. In all cases contractual language applies:

  • When a location has open apprentice requisitions, the order of surveying for apprentice opportunities will start with the earliest established annual list, then proceed to next earlieast annual list, and so on.
  • The current calendar year's list is currently in an “open window” status and will close December 31st each year.  While the current calendar list is open there will be wait list candidates approved by the NJAC and added each month. These candidates will be added and adjusted in seniority order.

  • Candidates will also be removed from these lists upon acceptance and entering the apprenticeship.

  • Each month the NJAC holds their policy meeting. Topics of this meeting range from indenturement approvals (adding apprentices), wait list transfers, approving eligibility candidates (adding to the list) to graduation of apprentices just to name a few. Each month during the current the open window period, eligibility list candidates may move up or down their plant list for these reasons.

The Local Joint Apprentice Representatives (LJAC) at your location also retain these plant specific eligibility lists which are updated monthly. These lists are generated from the approved NJAC data base. The LJAC Representatives have “read-only” access. They cannot change the list or manipulate the database. The NJAC database is only updated once a month from the results of the monthly NJAC policy meeting. The LJAC representatives will also have a printed a copy of this list for your viewing if requested. The list will remain in the LJAC office and will not be duplicated. This list is confidential and will only be available for viewing for those on the eligibility list.

Approved Plant Wait Lists Updated January 2025

Buffalo Stamping
Chicago Assembly
Chicago Stamping
Cleveland Engine #1
Dearborn Rouge
Flat Rock Assembly
Kansas City Assembly
Kentucky Truck
Lima Engine
Livonia Transmission
Louisville Assembly
Michigan Assembly Paint and Final
Michigan Assembly Body and Stamping
Ohio Assembly
Research and Engineering
Sharonville Transmission
Sterling Axle
Van Dyke Transmission
Woodhaven Forge
Woodhaven Stamping